More Lead Issues

Why are complaint-based lead poisoning prevention programs a problem?

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Why is it a problem to only address lead hazards in the home after children test positive for lead poisoning?

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Why is it a problem when communities are not regularly testing all children for elevated blood lead levels?

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Why is it a problem to adopt a lead poisoning prevention program without meaningful input by all stakeholders?

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Why is the lack of political will to make change a problem?

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Why is low parental awareness of lead poisoning risk a problem?

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Why may it be a problem to limit lead poisoning protections to housing where children 6 years old or younger will live?

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What is it a problem to fail to replace drinking water lead lines or only replacing them partially?

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What’s the problem with inadequate information on rental housing and potential contamination hotspots?

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Why is poor enforcement or implementation of lead poisoning prevention laws a problem?

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How can my state adopt a Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program?

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